Records Holder provides a convenient, safe and easily accessible place for inspection records and instructions. These Records Holder are waterproof and pressure tight up to 5 psig. The lightweight TA475 Records Holder is suitable for a few sheets of rolled up papers up to legal size (8-1/2″ x 14″). The larger TA485-12 and TA485-14 Records Holders handles larger, bulkier, soft-covered documents. Also tools and other support items. All models are tamper-proof with holes through cover and flange of records holder are provided for safety wiring and inspector’s seal.
Records Holder 9.5 inch
Abrasec: RHD222A
AGM: TA475 drawing

Records Holder 12.75 inch
Abrasec: RHD232B
AGM: TA485-12 drawing
Records Holder 14.75 inch
Abrasec: RHD234F
AGM: TA485-14 drawing